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Very Low Disease Activity (VLDA) Index for PsA

The very low disease activity index is related to the minimal disease activity index and is a tool for measuring disease state in psoriatic arthritis.

1 licensing option
SHARED Questionnaire

The SHARED questionnaire assesses patient experience of making shared decisions with health professionals about their care. This ten-item questionnaire rates a patient’s view of: the professional’s contribution to the decision; the patient’s involvement in the decision; the patient-professional agreement with the choice made. Each item is rated on a five-point rating scale (disagree strongly/ disagree/ not sure/ agree/ agree strongly).

1 licensing option
Minimal Disease Activity (MDA) Scale

The minimal disease activity index is a tool for measuring disease state in psoriatic arthritis.

1 licensing option
Purpose T

Pressure Ulcer Risk Primary or Secondary Evaluation Tool

1 licensing option

Assessment of psoriatic arthritis by an equation and supporting software, used by clinicians.

1 licensing option
The Leeds Dactylitis Index (LDI)

The Leeds dactylitis index (LDI) is a tool for measuring the activity of dactylitis in psoriatic arthritis. Dactylitis is a key feature of this disease, a poor prognostic marker, and a target for treatment. Almost all new pharmaceuticals tested for psoriatic arthritis are tested against this metric

1 licensing option
The Leeds Enthesitis Index (LEI)

The Leeds enthesitis index (LEI) is a tool for measuring the activity of enthesitis in psoriatic arthritis. Enthesitis is a key feature of this disease, and a target for treatment. Almost all new pharmaceuticals tested for psoriatic arthritis are tested against this metric, in addition to others

1 licensing option
Control of Eating Questionnaire (CoEQ)

The Control of Eating Questionnaire (CoEQ) is a brief, 21-item scale to assess the severity and type of food cravings an individual experiences.

1 licensing option
Digital Artery Volume Index [DAVIX - MRI Imaging Tool]

MRI sequence and software method to detect blood vessel narrowing within the fingers, indicative of Systemic Sclerosis, Scleroderma or other conditions with digital blood vessel narrowing.

2 licensing options

Easy-BILAG is novel template for recording BILAG-2004 disease activity assessments in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It has been designed to assist clinicians complete disease activity assessments using the established instrument, the BILAG-2004 index, more quickly and accurately in routine clinical practice.

1 licensing option
Abbreviated SSQ-P questionnaire for children with cochlear implants (SSQ-P10)

The SSQ-P10 is a validated shortened version of the SSQ-P for use in the clinical management of children (aged five years and over) who use hearing aids and/or cochlear implants. Specifically, the SSQ-P10 aims to obtain information about a child’s ability in the areas of speech perception, spatial hearing and qualities of hearing.

1 licensing option
PsaPsa (Patient Self-Assessment in Psoriatic Arthritis) Tool

PsaPsa is a self-assessment tool for disease activity in psoriatic arthritis.

1 licensing option
Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool (PEST) Questionnaire

PEST is a simple screening questionnaire consisting of five questions which has been developed to help identify cases of psoriatic arthritis in a population of people with known psoriasis.

1 licensing option
C19-YRS (COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale)

The C19-YRS (COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale) is an outcome measure to capture persistent symptoms of Long COVID. The self-report version of C19-YRS gives a symptoms severity score, functional disability score and global health score. NHS England in its National Clinical Guidance (Nov 2020) has advocated its use in all Long COVID clinics being set up in England. NICE guidelines (Dec 2020) have also recommended its use for assessment of Long COVID.

1 licensing option
Leeds Bradford Language Exposure Questionnaire (LeBLEQ)

1 licensing option
Social Difficulties Inventory

Social Difficulties Inventory (SDI-21) is a twenty one item questionnaire developed to assess everyday problems experienced by cancer patients.

1 licensing option
LFIS-RA Leeds Foot Impact Scale

The Leeds Foot Impact Score is a 51 item validated impact scale to assess foot status in rheumatoid arthritis (LFIS-RA). It has scales for impairment/shoes and for activities/participation. The scale can be used to determine the impact of RA on the foot.

1 licensing option
FPI - Foot Posture Index

The Foot Posture Index (FPI) is a diagnostic clinical tool aimed at quantifying the degree to which a foot can be considered to be in a pronated, supinated or neutral position. It is intended to be a simple method of scoring the various foot posture into a single quantifiable result. The user attaches a score to a serie of observations that are routinely used. Features commensurate with an approximately neutral foot position are graded as zero, while pronated postures are given a positive value, and suplinated features a negative value.

1 licensing option
ENAT - The Arthritis Educational Needs Assessment Tool

The Arthritis Educational Needs Assessment Tool (ENAT) is a self-administered questionnaire containing 39 statements which measure the educational needs of patients with rheumatic diseases. This gives objective information free from bias.

1 licensing option
ChARM - The Children's Arm Rehabilitation Measure

The ChARM measures how well children aged between 5 and 16 years old with cerebral plasy complete 21 common activities, using a 21 item questionnaire.

1 licensing option
TBI-WIS Traumatic Brain Injury Work Instability Scale

A scale developed to measure the concept of work instability following traumatic brain injury (TBI)

1 licensing option
BDQoL The Behçet's Disease Quality of Life scale

A Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire consisting of 30 statements made by people who are living with Behçet's Disease, together with Scoring.

1 licensing option
STROKE-QoL Stroke Quality of Life Scale

A Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire consisting of 25 statements made by people who have suffered a stroke, together with Scoring.

1 licensing option
SSc-QoL Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Scale

A Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire consisting of 29 statements made by people who are living with scleroderma, together with Scoring.

1 licensing option
OA-QoL Osteoarthritis Quality of Life Scale

A Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire consisting of 22 statements made by people who are living with osteothritis, together with Scoring.

1 licensing option
LMS-QoL Leeds Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Scale

A Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire consisting of 8 groups of statements made by people who are living with Multiple Sclerosis, together with Scoring.

1 licensing option
BDCAF The Behçet's Disease Current Activity Form

The Behçet's Disease Current Activity Form (2006) allows clinicians to capture the patient's perception and experience of symptoms from over a period of 4 weeks prior to assessment, gicing an overall Activity Index.

1 licensing option
Nurse-WIS Nursing Work Instability Scale (for musculoskeletal disorders)

A Work Instability Scale questionnaire consisting of 30 questions, designed for nurses experiencing musculoskeletal problems but also captures other psychosocial elements of work instability.

1 licensing option
MS-WIS Multiple Sclerosis Work Instability Scale

A Work Instability Scale questionnaire consisting of 22 statements made by people who are working with Multiple Sclerosis, together with Scoring and Guidance for use in the clinic.

1 licensing option
WISE Epilepsy Work Instability Scale

A Work Instability Scale questionnaire consisting of 24 statements made by people who are working with Epilepsy, together with Scoring and Guidance for use in the clinic.

1 licensing option
AS-WIS Ankylosing Spondylitis Work Instability Scale

A Work Instability Scale questionnaire consisting of 20 statements made by people who are working with Ankylosing Spondylitis, together with Scoring and Guidance for use in the clinic.

1 licensing option
RA-WIS Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Work Instability Scale

A Work Instability Scale questionnaire consisting of 23 statements made by people who are working with Arthritis, together with Scoring and Guidance for use in the clinic.

1 licensing option
SIDECAR Scales measuring the Impact of Dementia on CARers

SIDECAR is a questionnaire to assess the quality of life of friends and family caring for someone living with dementia. It includes Scale, Scoring and a value set.

1 licensing option