LFIS-RA Leeds Foot Impact Scale
The Leeds Foot Impact Score is a 51 item validated impact scale to assess foot status in rheumatoid arthritis (LFIS-RA). It has scales for impairment/shoes and for activities/participation. The scale can be used to determine the impact of RA on the foot.
Technology No. 04024U / EN
The Leeds Foot Impact Score is a 51 item validated impact scale to assess foot status in rheumatoid arthritis (LFIS-RA). It has scales for impairment/shoes and for activities/participation. The scale can be used to determine the impact of RA on the foot.
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swap_vertical_circlelibrary_booksReferences (1)
- Helliwell P, Allen N, Gilworth G, Redmond A, Slade A, Tennant A, Woodburn J. Development of a foot impact scale for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthr Rheum 2005; 53: 418-422 (2005), Development of a foot impact scale for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthr Rheum 2005; 53: 418-422, Arthr Rheum., 53, 418-422
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)Product brochureLFIS-RA Leeds Foot Impact Scale.pdfAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.