SHARED Questionnaire
The SHARED questionnaire assesses patient experience of making shared decisions with health professionals about their care. This ten-item questionnaire rates a patient’s view of: the professional’s contribution to the decision; the patient’s involvement in the decision; the patient-professional agreement with the choice made. Each item is rated on a five-point rating scale (disagree strongly/ disagree/ not sure/ agree/ agree strongly).
The SHARED questionnaire assesses patient experience of making shared decisions with health professionals about their care. This ten-item questionnaire rates a patient’s view of: the professional’s contribution to the decision; the patient’s involvement in the decision; the patient-professional agreement with the choice made. Each item is rated on a five-point rating scale (disagree strongly/ disagree/ not sure/ agree/ agree strongly).
The SHARED findings provide feedback on the patient experience of shared decision making (SDM) for use in health service audit, evaluation, research and staff training projects, and practice.
The SHARED questionnaire is used in different ways to meet the needs of teams:
• Total score summarising patient experience of the shared decision making (SDM) process.
• Sub-section scores providing summaries on the constructs within a shared decision making (SDM) process: Professional Communication (items 1-4); Patient Involvement (items 5-7); Patient Agreement with Chosen Plan (items 8-10).
• By-item summaries, to inform individual, team or service practice about each component.
NOTE ABOUT DEVELOPMENT: the SHARED Questionnaire was developed by Bekker (2011-2013) when collaborating with Emma Walker and Alan Nye on the Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) workstream of the DH QIPP Right Care national tender for Shared Decision Making – Culture Change. The AQuA team piloted the face validity of measures for use in their evaluations of SDM training and patient resources, including the SHARED questionnaire (2012). During this development process, France Légaré (Canadian Research Chair in Shared Decision Making) provided conceptual oversight of the items included with the SHARED questionnaire (2012).
swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (1)Professor Hilary Bekker
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)Product brochureSHARED Questionnaire.pdfAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.